The real reason I was an altar server – even though I had to be told

I don’t recall the entire conversation but only one comment made by my very dear great aunt, Tante Da, who died about 15 years ago.  We grew up next door to her.   I believe I was in high school at the time. I was making a comment about not wanting to be an alter server at mass on Sunday.  I made a comment that if it were Fr. X, that I wouldn’t really want to serve but if it were Fr. Y, I would gladly do it for him. Tante Da in an uncharacteristically firm and strong voice said, “NO! You are not serving at mass for the priest.  You are doing it for Jesus to serve him.”   Needless to say she is right.

We must all try to live our entire lives in serving God and keeping him the center of our lives.

May God’s Peace be upon you all.

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